Why Host a Bee Hive: The Easiest Way To Have Honey Bees

Two beekeepers smile while holding racks from NUC boxes that have bees on them

Beekeeping is a rewarding hobby that reaps many benefits personally, and for the environment. If you are a beginning beekeeper or want to dabble in a new hobby, consider hosting honey bees on your property.  

Why would I want honeybees?

You may be wondering why honeybees and we have many good reasons. Honeybees are magnificent insects. Starting in 2006, scientists discovered that Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was plaguing many hives. Essentially, the worker bees stopped returning to the hives leaving behind a Queen bee, food, and nurse bees to take care of the immature bees. Literally, the colony collapsed. Scientists attribute CCD to various factors such as climate change, pests, pesticides, diseases, poor genetic diversity just to name a few. Additionally, honeybees pollinate a ⅓ of all the food we eat. Honeybees pollinate apples, melons, cranberries, pumpkins, squash, broccoli, and almonds, to name just a few. If our earth is left with less honeybees, our food supply will dwindle and your meal planning will look significantly bare.In addition to pollinating crops, honeybees pollinate our gardens. If you are an avid gardener, add honey bees to your property for fuller flowers and shrubs.

Why host-a-hive through Bee Around?

There are many reasons that using our Host-a-Hive service could be the right choice.

  1. Cost-effective: Hosting a bee hive can be a more cost-effective option for those who are just starting out with beekeeping or those who have limited resources. Beekeeping can be costly. Consider the costs below:
    1. Hive equipment: Such as hives, frames, foundation, supers, and lids. The cost of hive equipment varies depending on the quality and quantity of equipment needed.
    2. Bees: Beekeepers need to purchase bees to start a new colony or maintain an existing one. Additionally there are costs for treating disease and pests (mites), as well as sugar syrup if needed.
    3. Beekeeping equipment: Protective gear (bee jacket, leather gloves) and basic tools (i.e.smoker, smoker fuel, or even a hive tool kit) to get started.
  1. Trial period: Renting a bee hive allows beekeepers to try out beekeeping without committing to the long-term investment of purchasing a hive and the equipment associated with beekeeping.
  2. Convenience: Renting a bee hive means that the hive is delivered to your location, eliminating the need for transportation. Additionally, our beekeeper maintains the hive. Beekeeper Todd will frequently check on the hive and conduct all necessary assessments to ensure the hive stays healthy. Also, when you host-a-hive, you receive 10 lbs of honey from your hive! *
  3. Expert support: Renting a beehive from a reputable company means that as a new beekeeper, you will receive expert support and guidance throughout the process, increasing the likelihood of success, productivity and a higher rate of survival.

Overall, hosting a bee hive can be a great option for those who are interested in beekeeping but are not ready to commit to purchasing a hive.  It can also be a convenient and cost-effective option for those who want to expand their beekeeping operation without investing in additional equipment. Whether you are an avid gardener, enjoy pure, raw honey, or are fascinated with honeybees and want to try your hands at beekeeping, hosting a hive is a great way to contribute to saving the bees.

*For hives that do not produce 10 lbs of honey, it will be extracted from other hives to fulfill need.

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